To install a package using -i the command line switch followed by the package path on your system: sudo rpm -i package-idroot. Use rpm the command to install any packages on Redhat based systems. Sudo dnf remove package-idroot.rpm # Using dnf package If for some reason you want to remove the installed package use the standard yum or dnf remove command followed by the package name: sudo yum remove package-idroot.rpm # Using yum command Sudo dnf localinstall package-idroot.rpm # Using dnf package This will help you to install dependencies required for the package: sudo yum localinstall package-idroot.rpm # Using yum command When paired with the Tk toolkit, Tcl provides a fastest and powerful way to create cross-platform GUI applications. The Tcl (Tool Command Language) provides a powerful platform for creating integration applications that tie together diverse applications, protocols, devices, and frameworks.
Use YUM or DNF package manager to install the downloaded rpm file. tcl-devel - Tcl scripting language development environment. If you have no one to ask which system you're running, post the results of running the following commands: uname -a lsbrelease -a cat /etc/issue. Installing RPM packages with yum and dnf. Note that the above command is a guess as you did not tell us which Linux-based OS you're using ('Linux' is not an OS, it's just a kernel). First, let’s start by ensuring your system is up-to-date.